Learning Programs
Interactive Metronome
Interactive Metronome (IM) is an advanced brain-based treatment program designed to promote and enhance brain performance and recovery. The IM program ‘trains the brain’ to plan, sequence and process information more effectively through repetition of interactive exercises. This is accomplished by using innovative neurosensory and neuromotor exercises developed to improve the brain's inherent ability to repair or remodel itself through a process called neuroplasticity. Interactive Metronome (IM) is an evidence-based, cutting-edge neurological assessment and treatment tool.
Learning Keys is the first provider in Adelaide to offer Interactive Metronome to clients.
Cogmed Working Memory Training
Cogmed Working Memory Training is an evidence-based program for helping children, adolescents, and adults sustainably improve attention by training their working memory.
The program is based on strong scientific research and it is done in the convenience of your own home under the supervision of a qualified Cogmed Coach.
Learning Keys is the first provider in Adelaide and South Australia to offer Cogmed to clients.